Monday, January 26, 2009

A little ray of sunshine...everything is meaningless

So last night me and a big group from school headed to Crossroads Community Church over in Ladson. My amazing friend Rhett was speaking to the youth on the book of Ecclesiastes. Rhett wanted a bunch of college kids to show up to help show the youth that being a sold-out Christian AND a college student can happen. We only got a few verses into the first chapter - but wow, God showed up. The thing that stuck out the most to be was the phrase "everything is meaningless under the sun" and how we get to set on this life, that we forget that it the end, it really means nothing. Solomon had everything - he started off right, asking for wisdom...and yet at the end of his life, he was miserable because he pursued earthly things. Rhett brought up a song by Shane and Shane called "Over the Sun" which i thought was perfect. It calls for us to pursue that which is over the sun...not under...hence the song title =)
I'm heading back to good ol' Fort Mill to help lead a DNW at my home church...i'm really excited about this oppurtunity and will be sure to share what happened when i get back

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